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Home Thermostat - T4000ES Learning Thermostat E - White
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Home Thermostat - T4000ES Learning Thermostat E - White

Product ID: 92624960
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T4000ES Learning Thermostat E - Programmable smart thermostat that learns the temperatures you like and programs itself to help you save energy and stay comfortable Start with a simple schedule and easily adjust it whenever you like in the Nest app Home/Away Assist automatically adjusts itself to an Eco Temperature after you leave, so you don’t heat or cool an empty home Remote control lets family members change the temperature on this smart thermostat from anywhere using a phone, laptop, or tablet[1] The Nest Leaf appears when you choose a temperature that saves energy; with Energy History, just check your phone to see how much energy you used and find out how to save more Works with the Nest Temperature Sensor (sold separately) to help make sure a certain room is the exact temperature you want it to be Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, and other smart speakers so you can adjust the temperature with your voice Designed to fit any home

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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