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Roller Skating Birthday Party Invitations, 20 5"x7" Fill In Cards with Twenty White Envelopes by AmandaCreation
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Roller Skating Birthday Party Invitations, 20 5"x7" Fill In Cards with Twenty White Envelopes by AmandaCreation

Product ID: 48616031
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*** Bigger... Better... and Best of All... Cuter. Presenting Roller Skating Birthday Party Invitations Designed by a Mom for Moms. Set of 20 Fill-In Postcards (5"x7" Each) Comes with 20 White Envelopes *** *2-sided printing for that added pop of color & extra touch of quality *Larger 5"x7" size for bigger visual impact (most others are only 4"x5.5") *Heftier 80# cardstock with a smooth matte finish (so it's easier to write on) Even Includes Custom-Size Envelopes Hunting for just the right envelopes? Rest easy. Your 20 birthday postcards come with 20 crisp white envelopes, perfectly sized to fit the cards perfectly. What's more, you can count on these eye-popping invites for all-American craftsmanship: They're designed, printed & carefully hand-packaged right here in the USA. To top it off, the complete set is fully backed by 's 30-Day Guarantee. OMG, They're the Absolute Cutest... So Add to Cart Right Away!! Why choose Invitations from Amanda Creation? *Every invitation is custom designed by Amanda herself! *Amanda Creation has been in business since 2011 bringing unique party items to moms and children. *Our invitations are completely unique, you won’t find designs like these anywhere else. Stand out with your celebrations and get the most creative and innovative invitations instead of mass produced invitations that can be found anywhere. *We pay attention to the smallest details, because they are hand designed complete care is taken in making them extra special to be the most beautiful invitations you have ordered. *We stand behind our product, if you are not completely satisfied for any reason simply contact us to return your product for a full refund.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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