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Slide-in Range Rear Filler Kit Black, Universal Triangular Fill Strip, Top Trim Kit Between Stove and Wall for Whirlpool & Most Brand, Aluminum Gap Cover, 30" Long
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Slide-in Range Rear Filler Kit Black, Universal Triangular Fill Strip, Top Trim Kit Between Stove and Wall for Whirlpool & Most Brand, Aluminum Gap Cover, 30" Long

Product ID: 467834537
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Annoyed about the unsightly gap between the range back and the wall? Does it give you a headache every time you clean up the food and debris that fall into this void? Now the Professional Slide-In Range Rear Filler Kit can help you say goodbye to the annoying gap due to the immovable gas pipes and plug behind the range. This range top trim kit is ideal to fill the space behind a slide-in range that is installed where a standard freestanding range was placed previously. It creates a custom, built-in look between your slide-in range and the wall. Features of This Gap Cover: 1. The range gap filler is triangularly shaped with three different widths and each surface can be used to fill the space. 2. The triangular fill strip kit is designed to fill gaps that width measure 2-5/8 inch, 2-1/4 inch or 1-1/2 inch, length 30 inch. 3. The fill strip is made of premium black finish aluminum, have high heat and corrosion resistance. 4. The universal accessory kit can be used with most of brands. Please be sure to confirm the size and model of your stove before buying, to ensure that it is suitable. 5. Installation of this part will require no disassembly of the appliance or repair experience. Replaces The Following Parts : W10113902A, W10140537, W10097260, 4396947, 9757784SS. Specifications: * Material: Aluminum * Color: Black * Triangle Side Length: 2-5/8 x 2-1/4 x 1-1/2 Inch * Product Length: 30 Inch Package Included: (1) 1x Triangular fill strip. (2) 2x Mounting brackets. (3) 6x Screws (4) 1x Installation instructions.

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