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Filtrete by 3M, 12x12x1, MERV 10, Micro Particle Reduction HVAC Furnace Air Filter, Captures Pet Dander and Pollen, 800 MPR, 1 Filter
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Filtrete by 3M, 12x12x1, MERV 10, Micro Particle Reduction HVAC Furnace Air Filter, Captures Pet Dander and Pollen, 800 MPR, 1 Filter

Product ID: 460421963
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Not sure which Filtrete device or filter to buy? Click here to view our help guide. Opt for a Filtrete™ Pollen & Pet Dander Air Filter to transform your central heating and cooling system into a whole-home air filtration operation. This no-nonsense filter helps capture varying sizes of particles, from the large (lint, pollen, dust and pet dander) to the microscopic (smoke and smog). Includes Filtrete by 3M, 12x12x1, MERV 10, Micro Particle Reduction HVAC Furnace Air Filter, Captures Pet Dander and Pollen, 800 MPR, 1 Filter. FILTER SIZE : 12 in x 12 in x 1 in OUTPERFORMS FIBERGLASS, WASHABLE AND NON-ELECTROSTATIC 3-month pleated 1 in. home air filters for your furnace, air conditioner or HVAC system DESIGNED WITH EXCLUSIVE Filtrete™ Brand 3-in-1 technology from 3M to trap unwanted air particles while letting cleaner air flow through ATTRACTS AND CAPTURES particles such as lint, pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke and smog 800 MPR has a rating of MERV 10 The higher the MPR, the more microparticles--such as pollen, pet dander, smoke, bacteria and viruses--your filter will capture from the air passing through it FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE of your heating & cooling system or HVAC system, change your home air filter at least every 90 days for 1 in. filters, and at least every 12 months for 4 in. and 5 in. filters A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool--wasting energy. Sign-up for a filter change reminder program (www.filtrete.com/ChangeReminders) that works for you! FOR RESIDENTIAL use only CREATE A CHANGE COUNTDOWN in the Filtrete™ Smart app. Simply use the app to scan the barcode on your filter’s packaging, then choose 30, 60 or 90 days for your replacement countdown. When the lifespan is up, you’ll get a notification to change your filter

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