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Cutetitos Unicornitos - Surprise Stuffed Animals - Collectible Plush Unicorns (Styles May Vary)
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Cutetitos Unicornitos - Surprise Stuffed Animals - Collectible Plush Unicorns (Styles May Vary)

Product ID: 460402990
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The most magical Cutetitos yet - Unicornitos! Collect 8 all-new unicornitos in beautiful prints and new rainbow burrito wraps! Cutetitos Unicornitos are adorable, super-soft stuffed unicorns wrapped and hidden in a rainbow burrito blanket ready to be unrolled and discovered! To find out if your Cutetito's personality is mild, medium, hot, or super spicy, just check out its hot spot - a chili pepper shaped icon you can find on its hip! You will also get a rainbow burrito blanket that you can wrap your Cutetito in! There are 8 Cutetitos Unicornitos to collect in beautiful, colorful patterns! Some are Super Rare can you find them! A pet collector card is included with additional information about your new pet including its name, birthday and hot spot spice-o-meter rating. Collect them all. Discover NEW Cutetitos Unicornitos, with 8 surprise unicorns in fun new fabrics and a rainbow burrito wrap! Unroll to reveal your new soft unicorn and everything about it! Who will you get! Cutetitos Unicornitos features 8 collectible unicorns in new beautiful, colorful patterns. Some are super-rare can you find them Each Cutetito has a personality "Hot Spot" - is yours mild, medium, hot, or super spicy!

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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