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Almay Lip Gloss by Almay, Non-Sticky Lip Makeup, Holographic Glitter Finish, Hypoallergenic, 200 Angelic, 0.9 Oz,
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Almay Lip Gloss by Almay, Non-Sticky Lip Makeup, Holographic Glitter Finish, Hypoallergenic, 200 Angelic, 0.9 Oz,

Product ID: 460006009
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Shine on in Almay's holographic lip glosses that feel moisturizing and smooth—never sticky. Mix and match the colors for an iridescent ombré effect! Our prismatic lip glosses give you a fun, holographic glow that looks downright ethereal These shades are super shiny, but don't feel sticky (because we can't stand stickiness) Your lips feel moisturized and smooth; we infused the formula with pomegranate, grape, and raspberry oils We created these lip glosses to be worn solo, mixed, or layered over lipstick—so, you've got lots of options As always, dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, clean, fragrance free, and cruelty free

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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